White Beach Guest House, White Beach, Puerto Galera

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White Beach Guest House is located in White Beach, Puerto Galera

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White Beach Guest House was built in 2002 by the owner Belinda Gustafsson. It has a total of 18 rooms. There are eight single rooms, four one-bedroom apartments and two-bedroom bungalows.
Our goal is to give you the very best of a pleasant time here in the White Beach guest house and to provide a nice, helpful and friendly atmosphere.

White Beach Guest House

White Beach Guest House
White Beach
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro


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White Beach Guest House

Property details:

White Beach Guest House is about a two minute walk from the beautiful beach with restaurants and pubs.
It is a 10 minutes drive to the main town of Puerto Galera or a 1 to 2 hour ferry trip from Batangas direct to White Beach.


More Hotels in White Beach:

Accurate Map Location to Follow


White Beach Guest House
White Beach
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro


Phone number for White Beach Guest House, Puerto Galera, Philippines is: 0918 656 1047

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