What is a Filipino simple and comfortable Life

The National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) have determined that a Filipino Family of Four needs 120,000 peso per month for a simple and comfortable life.

At the time of writing this, that would be equivalent to a monthly income, in other currencies of:
AUD 3,419 – NZD 3,566 – USD 2,545 – GBP 1,908 – EUR 2,292 – JPY 262,440

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Filipino Families Need is 120,000 peso per month

The National Economic Development Authority (NEDA) have determined that a Filipino Family of Four needs 120,000 peso per month for a simple and comfortable life.
At the time of writing this, that would be equivalent to a monthly income, in other currencies of:

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AUD 3,419
NZD 3,566
USD 2,545
GBP 1,908
EUR 2,292
JPY 262,440

Type of Life Wanted

79.0% of Filipinos aspire for a simple and comfortable life (79%)
16.9% want an affluent life
3.9% aspire for the life of the rich

Filipino Simple Life
Working Abroad

88% say it will be good for the country if citizens will stay in the Philippines instead of going abroad to work.
69% would choose a job at home instead of a job abroad if given a choice

In their words:

Vision of Filipinos for self: “In 2040, we will all enjoy a stable and comfortable lifestyle, secure in the knowledge that we have enough for our daily needs and unexpected expenses, that we can plan and prepare for our own and our children’s futures. Our families live together in a place of our own, yet we have the freedom to go where we desire, protected and enabled by a clean, efficient, and fair government.”


Most Filipinos expressed the need to eliminate corruption to achieve a better future.



5 : 1,393 : 3,545,594

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