Wages in the Philippines in the years 2012 and 2015
Average Family Annual Income 2015
I don’t have the 2015 figures yet, but I will estimate them based on the Wages in the Philippines in the years 2009 and 2012 figures:
2015 Average Family Incomes based on same growth rate as 2009 to 2012, for each 10% group.
800,039 Top 10% ( 66,670 per month)
429,470 Next 10% ( 35,789 per month)
325,880 Third ( 27,157 per month)
264,854 Fourth ( 22,071 per month)
203,215 Fifth ( 16,935 per month)
172,125 Sixth ( 14,344 per month)
149,558 Seventh ( 12,463 per month)
121,500 Eighth ( 10,125 per month)
103,220 Ninth ( 8,602 per month)
76,790 Bottom 10% ( 6,399 per month)
Average Annual Family Income 2012
The average Family Income in the Philippines in 2012 was 235,000 pesos per year.
NOTE: the psa.gov.ph site quotes: ” In 2012, Filipino families had an annual income of 235 thousand pesos, on average.”
The split of this income between each 10% group was:
715,000 Top 10% ( 59,583 per month)
381,000 Next 10% ( 31,750 per month)
286,000 Third ( 23,833 per month)
229,000 Fourth ( 19,083 per month)
182,000 Fifth ( 15,167 per month)
153,000 Sixth ( 12,750 per month)
130,000 Seventh ( 10,833 per month)
108,000 Eigth ( 9,000 per month)
92,000 Ninth ( 7,667 per month)
69,000 Bottom 10% ( 5,750 per month)
Based on this:
In 2012, Filipino families had an annual income of 235 thousand pesos, on average. (19,583 per month)
and the above figures, we get this:
70% were under 19,083 per month
50% were under 12,750 per month
Only 10% are over 60,000 per month
2015 Estimates would be:
70% under 22,000 per month
50% under 14,500 per month
Only 10% over 66,000 per month