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Villa Estelita Beach Resort is located in Big La Laguna, Puerto Galera
Villa Estelita Beach Resort
Big La Laguna
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro
Property details:
Please add you own impressions, with the month and year you stayed, in the comments box below.
More Hotels in Big La Laguna:
- Campbell’s Beach Resort, Big La Laguna, Puerto Galera
- Cataquis Lodge, Big La Laguna, Puerto Galera
- Diving Park Resort, Big La Laguna, Puerto Galera
- Jungle Hill Resort, Big La Laguna, Puerto Galera
- La Laguna Beach Club and Dive Centre , Big La Laguna, Puerto Galera
- Millers Corner Dining Now Campbells Beach Resort , Big La Laguna, Puerto Galera
- Scandi Divers Resort, Big La Laguna, Puerto Galera
- Starfish Inn, Big La Laguna, Puerto Galera
- Swengland Beach Resort, Big La Laguna, Puerto Galera
- Villa Estelita Beach Resort, Big La Laguna, Puerto Galera
Accurate Map Location to Follow
Villa Estelita Beach Resort
Big La Laguna
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro
Phone number for Villa Estelita Beach Resort, Puerto Galera, Philippines is: 0917 459 5485
1 : 210 : 3,571,947