Tribal Hills Mountain Resort, Aninuan, Puerto Galera

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Tribal Hills Mountain Resort is located in Aninuan, Puerto Galera

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Tribal Hills Resort lies to the western end of the well known beach town of Puerto Galera nestled between Mt. Malasimbo and the South China Sea. It sits on a hilltop 60m above sea level but still only a few minutes walk to the beach.

Tribal Hills Mountain Resort

Tribal Hills Mountain Resort
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro

Tribal Hills Mountain Resort

Property details:

Our 15 rooms have sweeping panoramic views of Mt.
Malasimbo and the surrounding peaks, foothills and valleys rolling down to the white sand beaches.

A lot of attention was given to our spacious rooms.
Big, comfy beds with pull-outs conveniently tucked away for extra guests.
Though each room has air conditioning, we recommend doing without as the mountain breeze is sure to be more than enough to cool you.
Some rooms have kitchens and some have dedicated lounge areas.
The terrace is a great spot for napping in the afternoon and the minibars are always stocked with chocolate goodies.

The pool and jacuzzi is right outside your doorstep where you can soak up the sun or go to town with the local and international dishes offered at Treetop, our in-house restaurant.
The freshly caught fish and seafoods of the season are especially favored.
There are spa services, as well as room service and free wi-fi.
At the top of the Tribal Hills Suite is a 140 m2 roof deck where you can get married or throw a big party.


More Hotels in Aninuan:

Accurate Map Location to Follow


Tribal Hills Mountain Resort
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro


Phone number for Tribal Hills Mountain Resort, Puerto Galera, Philippines is: 0917 575 0599

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