Travel Options between Puerto Galera and Abra de ilog

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There is a road that runs around the Island of Mindoro, with one small exception… the bit between Puerto Galera and Abra de ilog.

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So, what are the travel options between Puerto Galera and Abra de ilog ?

Driving between Puerto Galera and Abra de ilog

The distance is about 20 km.

The road/path/track between Puerto Galera and Abra de ilog is passable, but in some places only by bike or walking.  A 4WD may be able to make it, if no landslides send you to the bottom, or falling rocks crush you !

According to a study conducted by the University of the Philippines-National Institute of Geological Sciences (UP-NIGS), “Landslides may occur because the area lies on three active fault lines, and that construction of the road project is indeed dangerous..”

Getting a boat between Puerto Galera and Abra de ilog:

A boat does sound the safest way, although these are the pump boats (motorized bancas) that operate between the Port of Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro and Abra de ilog, Occidental Mindoro.

The Accuracy of some travel times and distances quoted on various websites, between Puerto Galera and Abra de ilog, is at times questionable, such as these two:

5 hr 56 min – Travel Time from Puerto Galera to Abra de Ilog
* The above is an approximate. Road Conditions, Traffic, etc. affect travel times.

Distance between Abra De Ilog and Puerto Galera is 24 KM (kilometers) and 437.39 meters, or 15.2 miles.
Travel time from Abra De Ilog To Puerto Galera will take 0 hours and 36.66 minutes if the vehicle keep an average speed of sixty kilometer per hour. Travel time by walk may take around 3.1 hours if you continuously walk at the speed of 6KM.

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