Travel Home to the Philippines with an Expired Passport

Can a Filipino Travel Home to the Philippines with an Expired or Lost Passport

You might need a One Way Travel Document.

Your local Philippines consulate will issue this. (Contact them first to double check your eligibility)

The details below are for Filipinos in ….

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Can a Filipino Travel Home to the Philippines with an Expired or Lost Passport

You might need a One Way Travel Document.

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Your local Philippines consulate will issue this. (Contact them first to double check your eligibility)

The details below are for Filipinos in Australia where travel to the Philippines is required in an Emergency and your Philippine passport has expired or is lost.

Please note that the Travel Document is recognised for entry into the Philippines only. Whilst in the Philippines you must renew your passport before you can gain entry back into Australia, or any other country.

Fees: AU$54 per document​ (Payable to the Philippine Consulate)

Processing Time: During Appointment at Consulate Office (via Appointment Only).

What to Bring: One way ticket to the Philippines, expired passport, 2 x passport photos, 1 x duly accomplished Application for Travel Document Form, Valid reason for Emergency, one form of Photo Identification with Signature clearly visible.

With a travel document, you are not allowed to get a flight where you might have to go through immigration at another country. A direct flight is best.

Notes from Philippine Consulates around the World

USA: A travel document is allowed only for applicants who cannot be issued a Philippine passport and have an emergency travel to the Philippines such as due to medical or legal reasons or death in the family.
It is valid for 30 days from issuance and can only be used one-way to the Philippines. In order for you to leave the Philippines, you will need to apply for a new passport. Travel Document fee $30.00 (March 2018)

Singapore: Filipinos who have lost their passport and need to travel immediately to the Philippines can apply for a Travel Document at the Embassy. The Travel Document issued by the Embassy can be used only for direct one-way travel to the Philippines and not for travel to any other country. The Travel Document is also issued to Filipinos with an expiring or expired passport and who must travel to the Philippines immediately. Travel document fees SGD 93.50

Australia: The Travel Document service is offered where travel to the Philippines is required in an Emergency and your Philippine passport has expired or is lost. Fees: AU$54 per document​ (Payable to the Philippine Consulate)

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