Time of Last Ferry Batangas to Puerto Galera

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This information for the time of the Last Ferry from Batangas to Puerto Galera, is valid at 3rd August 2013, the date I made this trip.

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The ferry was scheduled to leave Batangas Ferry Terminal at 5:00pm, that was the last service advertised on the Minolo Shipping Lines website, and we arrived at the booking office at about 1 minute to 5.  !!

My thoughts were more concerned with which hotel would we need to book for the night, as I never expected to catch the ferry.

However, I was pleasantly surprised.  We caught it.  They rushed us to get our tickets, and one of the staff went over to the Terminal Office and got our Terminal Tickets for us.  That is the 30 peso terminal fee.

The security people quickly put the handbag through the X-Ray machine, and then rushed us out, and we rushed through the empty terminal, with someone pointing to which door we had to go through.  The security guard at door 4 rushed us out, and we saw the staff at the ferry motioning for us to come straight over, so we ran over to the boarding ramp, and we were on board, maybe about 10 past 5.

Then we sat and waited…  the ferry left about ten minutes later, at about 20 past 5.

I cannot recall the exact time of the trip, but we in the supermarket in the Puerto Galera ferry area at 6:30pm, (our reciept was timed at 6:32) so this trip, direct from Batangas to Muelle Port, was about One Hour in length.

The morning trip, from Muelle Port to Batangas, took Two hours, but went via Sabang, (not with Minolo Shipping Lines though).

The cost:

230 pesos for each One Way Ticket
30 pesos per passenger for the Batangas Terminal Fee

Tourists pay an extra 50 pesos each for the Environmental fee. This is not payable by residents, no matter what nationality. However a Filipino travelling alone will be assumed to be Resident, while a non Filipino with indicate that the entire group are tourists.

Meulle Port Terminal Fee is only 10 pesos, for departures, with NO environmental fee.
White Beach has no terminal, so no fees for the trip FROM White Beach.

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