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Buying Property in the Philippines… TCT or CCT
Many times I see people talking abuot TCT or CCT, and asking what it is.
TCT – Transfer Certificate of Title
CCT – Condominium Certificate of Title
With TCT someone OWNS the property
With CCT, someone owns a lease to the property for a period of time.
5 : 7,115 : 3,572,230
Can Homeowners association legally asked for a copy of TCT? Is there any other way for a homeowner to provide/show proof of ownership? I had a traumatic least to say a bad experience when the title to my mother’s property was transferred to a relative without the knowledge of my mother including my siblings and me. I have lived in said HOA since 1990. However, due to the COVID-19 the HOA wants to know who actually owned and lived in our HOA. Thank you.
I know very little about this.
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