Tamaraw Beach Resort, Aninuan, Puerto Galera

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Tamaraw Beach Resort is located in Aninuan, Puerto Galera

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You will definitely love each moment of your stay at Tamaraw Beach Resort in Puerto Galera. Our relaxing beachfront hotel offers rooms, cottages, and apartment- or studio-style units that will surely suit your exclusive holiday needs.

Tamaraw Beach Resort

Tamaraw Beach Resort
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro

Tamaraw Beach Resort

Property details:

All accommodations are fitted with a private bath, deck/ balcony, and other convenient amenities.
And while with us, get to enjoy some water activities as well.
Experience wind surfing, boating, and snorkeling for a more pleasurable vacation.

Tamaraw Beach Resort’s accommodations are equipped with amenities that guarantee a satisfying beach vacation.

All guestrooms have a private toilet and bath, deck/ balcony, and writing desk and chair.
The apartment- and studio-style units further boast a kitchen and living area.
Guestrooms have either a fan or air-conditioning system.
Room service is available.
Guests may schedule wake-up calls.
Tamaraw Beach Resort is located along the coast of Aninuan in Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines.
It is a short five-minute walk to the famous White Beach.

The hotel is only 7 km from Puerto Galera Pier and 3 km from Balatero Pier, which can be reached by ferryboat from Batangas.
It takes 30 minutes to reach the hotel if you’re coming via a banca ride from Sabang.


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Accurate Map Location to Follow


Tamaraw Beach Resort
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro
Phone number for Tamaraw Beach Resort, Puerto Galera, Philippines is: 0917 697 6802

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