Swengland Beach Resort, Big La Laguna, Puerto Galera

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Swengland Beach Resort is located in Big La Laguna, Puerto Galera

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Swengland Beach resort is located on the beach at beautiful Big La Laguna Bay, in Puerto Galera which is famous for its warm, crystal clear waters and white sandy beaches, offering one of the best diving spots in the Philippines.

Swengland Beach Resort

Swengland Beach Resort
Big La Laguna
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro

Swengland Beach Resort

Property details:

Swengland Beach Resort has 15 fully airconditioned rooms each with private en-suite bathroom, queen sized bed and cable TV from just 1,200 pesos per night and from just 700 pesos per night with fan.
(Priced in 2012: Prices do change)
Join our professional dive team for your diving adventures! The Swengland dive team includes highly experienced instructors from around the world who work hard to assure your training is safe and enjoyable.
We offer quality PADI courses from Bubblemaker to Divemaster.
When you aren’t diving, dining, sunning, or swimming, you can enjoy an ice cold beer in the bar as you watch the sunset over the Batangas Channel or have a game of pool on our full-sized billiard table.
Swengland Beach Resort also offers both Filipino and European cuisine in the restaurant and specialises in authentic Indian curries.
Other facilities include cable television, internet access, 24 hour electricity, international telephone and fax service, money changing and travel booking and confirmation.


More Hotels in Big La Laguna:

Accurate Map Location to Follow


Swengland Beach Resort
Big La Laguna
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro


Phone number for Swengland Beach Resort, Puerto Galera, Philippines is: 0939 206 8945

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