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Stone 8 Resort
Nueva Ecija
Central Luzon
Mob: 0919 388 9922
The Stone 8 resort! free flowing water .. Swimming Pools, Mountain Hiking, good for team building, Celebration venues, outing , family bonding etc……….
Go to Cabanatuan terminal.. then take a van to Gabaldon.
4 : 3,531 : 3,569,903
Please I want to know how much the entrance and the room or house
Hello stone 8 gabaldon, Nueva ecija. This Nathalia Sta Maria, can i ask if fully booked po ba sa april 1 saturday? May available po bang rooms?please message me back so i will able to know if hnd kayo fully booked that time and how much the room rates good for couple? thanks ?
how much is the entrance fee and family room rates ?