Solaire Resort and Casino, Manila, Philippines

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Solaire Resort and Casino

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Manila, Philippines

This new resort is set to open on 16th March 2013

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The Solaire is being called the Philippine’s premier integrated destination casino resort, and is the first to open in the highly anticipated Entertainment City project along the Philippine’s famed Manila Bay.

The first phase includes approximately 500 luxuriously appointed rooms, suites and bayside villas as well as resort-style pool facilities, bars and entertainment lounges. In addition, there is a state-of-the-art ballroom and meeting space, and a fully equipped spa and fitness center.

The resort also features a world-class dining experience at our signature, casual and quick serve restaurants. The new dining avenues are headed by world-renowned chefs and showcase a comprehensive selection of authentic local and international flavors to cater to even the most discerning palate.

And to give you the ultimate Las Vegas gaming experience, Solaire’s expansive 18,500 square-meter casino area stretches two levels of gaming space, including premium VIP salons and an outdoor themed casino and entertainment bar – all loaded with the most popular slot machines and table games, such as Baccarat, Blackjack, Pontoon and many more!

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