Scandi Divers Resort, Big La Laguna, Puerto Galera

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Scandi Divers Resort is located in Big La Laguna, Puerto Galera

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As one of the most beautiful Puerto Galera resorts and hotels, Scandi Divers (Scandinavian Divers) is located on the beautiful tropical island Mindoro, about 150 kilometers south of Manila in the Philippines, far from the noise and smog of the big cities. Mindoro is one of the last tropical places left on earth that’s not yet overrun by tourists.

Scandi Divers Resort

Scandi Divers Resort
Big La Laguna
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro

Scandi Divers Resort

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Here you can enjoy the amazing hospitality and warmth of the local English speaking population while taking in the diving experiences of a lifetime (but you don’t have to dive to stay with us).
All at a surprisingly reasonable cost.
Our dive resort is right at the edge of the water on Big La Laguna, the most beautiful white sandy beach on Northern Mindoro.
On the roof of this Puerto Galera hotel we have “Sky Bar and Restaurant”; a restaurant/bar with a world class view – easily the best in the entire area, also at night, where you can enjoy an unobstructed view of the sky, sea and mountains.
Our restaurant is located right next to the beach with a beautiful view of the beach, ocean and islands in the distance.
The Scandi Divers resort offers International , Filipino and Western cuisine and of course, the freshest seafood.
We also have a restaurant next door in Campbells Beach Resort , our sister Puerto Galera resort.
Here you can find great Thai food in addition to local and Western cuisine.
Between all the dining options at our Puerto Galera resorts, you really will be spoiled for choice.
And we are proud to say we are the only resorts in Puerto Galera serving genuine Starbucks coffee!


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Scandi Divers Resort
Big La Laguna
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro
Phone number for Scandi Divers Resort, Puerto Galera, Philippines is: 0918 626 2157

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