Sabang Inn Beach Resort, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro

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Sabang Inn Beach Resort

Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro

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Mob: 0917 572 6123
Booking and Reviews:


Sabang Inn Beach Resort is located directly on the beach of Sabang in Puerto Galera, on the island of Mindoro in the Philippines. Puerto Galera is a quiet, yet popular holiday destination among tourists and divers alike.

Our small family-style run hotel offers many of the amenities of a larger hotel but with an atmosphere that makes you feel “among friends”.

We have a long tradition in attracting divers from all over the world to stay in our resort and to dive with us – it is a blend of perfect location with a beach front atmosphere – a friendly staff and, of course diving, diving and more diving.

Whether you plan to stay only with us for a relaxing beach front holiday or whether you join our daily diving excursions – we will make sure that your stay in Puerto Galera with us will be one of the most enjoyable experiences the Philippines has to offer.

Puerto Galera is not only famous for its unique diving sites and as a tropical island where you can find relaxation.
It has also something to offer for all those who enjoy a vibrant nightlife.
There is quite a diversity of daily entertainment to choose from, like bars, discos, pubs and open air restaurants.
Some have occasionally, others daily live bands.
Visitors from all over the world come here and enjoy the fun – and best of all: the whole entertainment district of Sabang is just around the corner from Sabang Inn Resort.
No need for renting a bicycle or hiring a local transportation service – no need for long night time walks to reach your hotel.
It is only 3 minutes to walk to Sabang Inn Resort.

We offer 15 air-conditioned rooms to accommodate our guests – and for those who want to stay longer with us In Puerto Galera we have also 15 apartments Sabang Inn Apartments to rent, which are only a few steps away.



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