Requirements for an ECC – Exit Clearance Certificate

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Requirements for an ECC

The Philippines Bureau of Immigration (BI) has stated that the following are needed to get an ECC – Exit Clearance Certificate (also called Emigration Clearance Certificate)

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  • Completed application forms. (They supply numerous forms for you to fill in !!)
  • 6 pcs. colored photo (size 2×2 ) white background. (NOTE: SIX were needed, not the FIVE that web sites say.
  • Photocopy of passport (3 Pages: biopage, latest arrival stamp and last visa extension stamp).
  • Photo of both sides of Alien Certificate of Registration ACR card. (Must be Current NOT Expired)
  • Photocopy AND Original of the Receipt for payment of last visa extension fees. (To be issued with an ECC, you need up to date valid visas)
  • Current ACR-I card
  • A personal appearance is required for fingerprinting, both electronic scanning and manual ink, and photograph.

There are various forms available for download at: but… not for the Emigration Clearance Certificate (ECC) as it is now called.

Philippines BI Forms

More Information on the Exit Clearance Certificate

Who needs an ECC Emigration Clearance Certificate or Exit Clearance Certificate

An Emigration Clearance Certificate [ECC] is needed when Foreign Passport Holders are leaving the Philippines after a stay of 6 months or more.

Your passport may be stamped like this, when you get a visa renewal that takes you past 6 months after entry.

Notice of ECC after 6 months

Any child, born in the Philippines, but travelling on a Foreign passport, NEEDS an ECC to leave the Philippines. A notice to this effect is on display at a Bureau of Immigration office.

Requirements for an Emigration Clearance Certificate [ECC]

To be issued with an ECC, you need up to date valid visas, and an ACR-I card.

Cost of an ECC Emigration Clearance Certificate or Exit Clearance Certificate

Cost of ECC-A

The cost for an ECC-A in 2014 was 500 pesos.  There has been some recent talk about it being free, by some people, but two recent comments shown below, show that there is still a charge being made.

  1. ken hogan on January 17, 2018 at 12:52 pm
    i just got my ECC today 17/1/ 2018 at J Mall Mandaue 500 php total
  2. Edward on November 2, 2017 at 5:15 pm
    I just got my ECC and the total cost was 710 pesos at the J centre mall on the second floor in mandaue

Cost of ECC-B

The cost for an ECC-B in 2015 was mentioned by one person at 2,850 pesos. The cost was mentioned again in October 2018.

  1. Friendly Citizen on October 30, 2018  at 5:37 am
    I paid 2,860 + 500 (express fee) = 3,360.

ECC-A for Visitor Visa Holders

The ECC-A may be secured at the BI Main Office or in select District Offices, Satellite Offices, Field Offices, One-Stop-Shops.
ECC-A is issued to departing holders of Tourist Visas who have stayed for 6 months or more. A valid ACR-i card is required for this when the Visitor visa holder has been in the country for over 2 months.
ECC-A is issued to departing holders of Immigrant and Non-Immigrant visas with valid ACR I-Cards and are leaving the country permanently.

ECC-B for other Than Visitor Visa Holders

The ECC-B may be secured at the BI Main Office or in the airport upon departure.
ECC-B is issued to departing holders of Immigrant and Non-Immigrant visas with valid ACR I-Cards and are leaving the country temporarily.


Confusion between ECC-A and ECC-B for Tourist Visa Holders

There is confusion on whether a Tourist Visa holder, leaving the country temporarily, and holding an ACR-I card, requires the ECC-A or the ECC-B.

Tourist Visa in the country over 6 months: ECC-A with no confusion. (ECC-A is issued to departing holders of Tourist Visas who have stayed for 6 months or more)

Tourist Visa in the country under 6 months: This is where the confusion arises, as the Tourist Visa holder must also have an ACR-I card (after 2 months) and the rules state: ECC-B is issued to departing holders of Immigrant and Non-Immigrant visas with valid ACR I-Cards and are leaving the country temporarily

However, even if the Tourist Visa holder is only leaving temporarily, their visa will normally expire on leaving, meaning it is a permanent exit on that visa, and they will return on a new visa, automatically given for most nationals, for a 30 day period, with the same conditions applying for a new temporary visa entry.

If the Immigrant or Non-Immigrant visa can be used for re-entry, then it could be classed as ‘leaving the country temporarily’, and selecting the ECC-B.

It is possible that some Tourist Visas may be able to be used for re-entry under those circumstances.


When the ECC was enforced in 2013, the reason for this certificate was given as follows:

Immigration Commissioner Siegfred Mison said that the ECC is being issued to departing foreigner nationals to prove that they have no derogatory records in the country or any accountability with other government agencies.

There are two types of ECC:

The ECC-A is being issued to foreigners who have tourist visas extending for more than six months. (A tourist visa holder in the country for over two months will also have a tourist ACR-i card)

The ECC-B, on the other hand, is given to holders of immigrant and non-immigrant visas with valid alien certificate registration I-Cards.

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does anybody has the requirements for ECC as of today, December 15, 2023?

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