Republic of the Philippines

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Republic of the Philippines

On July 4, 1946, Manuel Roxas President of the Commonwealth of the Philippines, again took his oath as President, but this time as President of the Republic of the Philippines.

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First Republic of the Philippines (Malolos Republic)

Emilio Aguinaldo January 23, 1899 to March 23, 1901

Second Republic of the Philippines

Jose P. Laurel July 4, 1946 to August 17, 1945 (Took office on October 14, 1943)

Third Republic of the Philippines

Manuel Roxas May 28, 1946 to April 15, 1948
Elpidio Quirino April 17, 1948 to December 30, 1953
Ramon Magsaysay December 30, 1953 to March 17, 195
Carlos P. Garcia March 18, 1957 to December 30, 1961
Diosdado Macapagal December 30, 1961 to December 30, 1965
Ferdinand E. Marcos December 30, 1965 to February 25, 1986

Fourth Republic of the Philippines

Corazon C. Aquino February 25, 1986 – June 30, 1992
Fidel V. Ramos June 30, 1992 – June 30, 1998
Joseph Ejercito Estrada June 30, 1998 – January 20, 2001
Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo January 20, 2001 – June 30, 2010
Benigno S. Aquino III June 30, 2010 –

The Commonwealth of the Philippines was between November 15, 1935 and July 4, 1946

Missing Timelines:

1899 – The United States takes the Philippines from the Spanish after the end of the Spanish-American War.
1899 – Emilio Aguinaldo declares independence and leads a guerrilla war against the United States.
1901 – William Howard Taft becomes the first U.S. governor of Philippines.
1902 – Philippine Insurrection/Rebellion ends.
1935 – The Commonwealth of the Philippines was created

US Period of Government 1901 to 1935

US Governor-General of the Philippines

1901 William Howard Taft. Governor-General July 4, 1901 to February 1, 1904
1904 Luke Edward Wright. Governor-General February 1, 1904 to November 3, 1905
1905 Henry Clay Ide. Governor-General November 3, 1905 to September 19, 1906
1906 James Francis Smith. Governor-General September 20, 1906 to November 11, 1909
1909 William Cameron Forbes. Governor-General November 11, 1909 to September 1, 1913
1913 Newton W. Gilbert. Acting Governor-General September 1, 1913 to October 6, 1913
1913 Francis Burton Harrison. Governor-General October 6, 1913 to March 5, 1921
1921 Charles Yeater. Acting Governor-General March 5, 1921 to October 14, 1921
1921 Leonard Wood. Governor-General October 14, 1921 to August 7, 1927
1927 Eugene Allen. Gilmore Acting Governor-General August 7, 1927 to December 27, 1927
1927 Henry L. Stimson. Governor-General December 27, 1927 to February 23, 1929
1929 Eugene Allen. Gilmore Acting Governor-General February 23, 1929 to July 8, 1929
1929 Dwight F. Davis. Governor-General July 8, 1929 to January 9, 1932
1932 George C. Butte. Acting Governor-General January 9, 1932 to February 29, 1932
1932 Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. Governor-General February 29, 1932 to July 15, 1933
1933 Frank Murphy. Governor-General July 15, 1933 to November 14, 1935

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