Population: Angeles City, Pampanga, Philippines

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Population of Angeles City, Pampanga, Luzon

The population of Angeles City, based on the 2010 Census result is 326,336 persons as of May 1, 2010
This is a rise of 58,548 persons compared to the 267,788 population from the 2010 Census.

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The 2010 census states that 50.6% of Angeles City Residents were Female with 49.4% being Male

This results in about:

165,126 Females
161,210 Males

This is a similar ratio to the 2000 Census result.

Balibago has the largest population of all the Barangays of Angeles City.

Angeles City Population Age Sex Guide 2010

Population [2010] Barangay of Angeles City
 2,313 Agapito del Rosario
 7,736 Amsic
15,213 Anunas
32,291 Balibago
 8,280 Capaya
 4,741 Claro M. Recto
 4,852 Cuayan
21,601 Cutcut
16,531 Cutud
10,450 Lourdes North West
 4,772 Lourdes Sur
 4,656 Lourdes Sur East
23,034 Malabanias
 3,606 Margot
 2,492 Mining
12,964 Ninoy Aquino (Marisol)
16,198 Pampang
14,901 Pandan
18,413 Pulung Cacutud
14,750 Pulung Maragul
11,237 Pulungbulu
 6,102 Salapungan
 4,785 San Jose
 2,778 San Nicolas
 8,263 Santa Teresita
 4,980 Santa Trinidad
 4,443 Santo Cristo
14,378 Santo Domingo
 3,515 Santo Rosario (Pob.)
 8,854 Sapalibutad
 9,910 Sapangbato
 5,663 Tabun
 1,634 Virgen Delos Remedios

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2 : 1,544 : 3,562,851

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