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Population of Angeles City, Pampanga, Luzon
The population of Angeles City, based on the 2010 Census result is 326,336 persons as of May 1, 2010
This is a rise of 58,548 persons compared to the 267,788 population from the 2010 Census.
The 2010 census states that 50.6% of Angeles City Residents were Female with 49.4% being Male
This results in about:
165,126 Females
161,210 Males
This is a similar ratio to the 2000 Census result.
Balibago has the largest population of all the Barangays of Angeles City.
- Business Directory of Angeles City, Pampanga
Population [2010] | Barangay of Angeles City |
2,313 | Agapito del Rosario |
7,736 | Amsic |
15,213 | Anunas |
32,291 | Balibago |
8,280 | Capaya |
4,741 | Claro M. Recto |
4,852 | Cuayan |
21,601 | Cutcut |
16,531 | Cutud |
10,450 | Lourdes North West |
4,772 | Lourdes Sur |
4,656 | Lourdes Sur East |
23,034 | Malabanias |
3,606 | Margot |
2,492 | Mining |
12,964 | Ninoy Aquino (Marisol) |
16,198 | Pampang |
14,901 | Pandan |
18,413 | Pulung Cacutud |
14,750 | Pulung Maragul |
11,237 | Pulungbulu |
6,102 | Salapungan |
4,785 | San Jose |
2,778 | San Nicolas |
8,263 | Santa Teresita |
4,980 | Santa Trinidad |
4,443 | Santo Cristo |
14,378 | Santo Domingo |
3,515 | Santo Rosario (Pob.) |
8,854 | Sapalibutad |
9,910 | Sapangbato |
5,663 | Tabun |
1,634 | Virgen Delos Remedios |
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2 : 1,544 : 3,562,851