Philippines Minimum Wage 2015

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Minimum Wages in the Philippines in 2015

There are various minimum wage level in the Philippines, most commonly with each Region having its own minimum.

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These rates are normally available from the Department of Labor and Employment, [DOLE]  National Wages and Productivity Commission.

The Lowest rate shown below is in Region RB-II (Cagayan Valley) at 229 pesos per day, with the Highest in the NCR at 481 pesos per day.

The following Minimum Daily wages are from that source, as of 20th March 2015.


Daily Rate Region Effective Date
P481 NCR April 04, 2015
P263 CAR Feb. 3, 2014
P253 RB-I Feb. 5, 2014
P229 RB-II Jan. 5, 2015
P349 RB-III December 01, 2014
P261 RB-IVA May 1, 2014
P275 RB-IVB Feb. 1, 2013
P260 RB-V Jan. 10, 2014
P298.50 RB-VI May 02, 2015
P340 RB-VII Dec. 14, 2014
P260 RB-VIII March 30, 2015
P280 RB-IX Jun. 10, 2013
P301 RB-X Jan. 1, 2014
P317 RB-XI Dec. 1, 2014
P255 RB-XII Jan 1, 2015
P268 CARAGA February 14, 2015
P250 ARMM Feb 1, 2014

Some of those have effective dates in 2013 and 2014, but are stated to be effective as at  20th March 2015.

I can’t tell if they have been changed locally and not updated to the DOLE site or not.

Updated figures may be available here:

There are Exceptions to the above rates, with thios as an example:

NCR Region Minimum Daily wage rate is 444 pesos for the following employee groups:

Private Hospitals with bed capacity of 100 or less
Retail/Service Establishments employing 15 workers or less
Manufacturing Establishments regularly employing less than 10 workers

REGION IX, Zamboanga Peninsula, has a lower Minimum Daily wage rate of 235 pesos per day for some occupations

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