Philippines Immigration – Letter of Invitation

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What is an Invitation Letter for Visitors to the Philippines?

Some statements taken from a Philippines Embassy website MAY help to work out if an Invitation Letter is applicable or even appropriate.
However, this information was taken from an Overseas Philippines Embassy and refers to a Filipino in another country inviting a relative to visit from the Philippines to that other country.

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What is an Invitation Letter?

A: The Bureau of Immigration requires that this document, in the form of an affidavit of support or guarantee, be authenticated at ….
A: The so-called “invitation letter” is just another affidavit issued by an Embassy.

How to do an Invitation Letter?

A: If you have determined that your relative requires an invitation letter, please come to the Embassy during office hours…. Processing takes two working days, as any other authentication.

Is an Invitation Letter a guarantee of the visitor being accepted?

A: During the application for the “invitation letter” at the Embassy, we always mention at the counter that this document is not a guarantee that the invited party will not be offloaded.
A: The assessment of the Immigration Officer, at the point of entry, is the final decision on whether the preson is allowed in or is turned back.

This page is intended to give a guide to some aspects of the “invitation letter” and is not to be taken as expert opinion in any way.

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This is my situation.. my friend is from libiria now his in china … is it still nessesary for him to get a envitation to travel

This is my situation.. my friend is from libiria now his in china … how can i envite him here?

How can i envite a person to come to philippines.. im here in the phil.

He is from Algeria. Is there a need for a letter of invitation to visit here in the Philippines for his VISA? If there is where do I ask for that letter of invitation?

My question is that would a scanned colour copy of that Letter of Invitation work or does he need to post it by mail to me


Do i need to go i DFA or Bureu of Immig. to get an invitation Letter ?

my egyptian husband was required to secure invitation letter from our philppine embassy as a support dox in visiting phillippines .
anyone knows where i will get my invitation letter?
municipal hall?

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