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Oriental Mindoro has a population of 785,602, and 124,173 of these live in the capital city of Calapan.
The region of Puerto Galera is more well known, due to its tourism reputation, and has a population of 32,521.
The Municipalities of Oriental Mindoro are:
- Baco
- Bansud
- Bongabong
- Bulalacao
- Calapan (Not a Municipality)
- Gloria
- Mansalay
- Naujan
- Pinamalayan
- Pola
- Puerto Galera (The only Philippines listing in the “Club of the Most Beautiful Bays of the World”)
- Roxas
- San Teodoro
- Socorro
- Victoria
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Populations available from a PDF download file:
1 : 61 : 3,560,042