Onari Farm Lodging House, Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro

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Onari Farm Lodging House, Balatero, Puerto Galera

Suli Balatero,
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro 5203

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Mindoro, Puerto Galera, Hotels, Onari Farm Lodging House


Onari Farm lodging house, your second house away from home, was established in 2002.

A. 1 bedroom cottage cost 800 pesos per day. long term is 13,000 pesos per month. including electricity, water. WIFI (internet) and T.V. cable. furnished with washing machine for your convenient stay. (2014)

B. 2 bedrooms home, 1000 pesos per day. long term is 16,000 pesos per month. with same terms of condition. (2014)

C. 3 bedrooms home with 1 Air-con (Master bedroom) 1000 pesos per day and 20,000 pesos a month of same terms of condition. (2014)


Located at Suli, Balatero Puerto Galera Oriental Mindoro.  5 minutes by transport from Muelle Pier.

Situated on hilly land with an area of almost 2 hectares. there are only 6 houses built providing spacious space and private living, that is far from the maddening crowd. A well maintained green garden keeps an atmosphere of peace and quiet living style.

More Holiday Accommodation in Balatero, Puerto Galera

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