New 10 Year Philippine Passport

Philippine Passports valid for 10 years available from August 17, 2017 ?

The Republic Act No. 10928 extended the maximum validity of Philippine passports from five years to 10 years for adult passport holders. Individuals under 18 years of age will still be issued with passports having a five-year validity period.

This act was approved on August 2, 2017, with Section 5 stating the effective date being: “fifteen (15) days after its publication in the Official Gazette or in a national newspaper of general circulation”.

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Philippine Passports valid for 10 years available from August 17, 2017 ?

The Republic Act No. 10928 extended the maximum validity of Philippine passports from five years to 10 years for adult passport holders. Individuals under 18 years of age will still be issued with passports having a five-year validity period.

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This act was approved on August 2, 2017, with Section 5 stating the effective date being: “fifteen (15) days after its publication in the Official Gazette or in a national newspaper of general circulation”.

It has been reported that the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA) stated that the new 10 year passports will cost applicants between P1,900 and P2,000, twice the current price of P950 for passports with five-year validity.

The Passport Office website is still quoting the 950 pesos passport price (8 Oct 2017).

Based on the above, I would assume that the new 10 year passport may not yet be ready to be implemented.  It does take time to create the new passports.

If anyone gets one, with 10 year validity, please let us know, as soon as you can, using the comments section below.


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