Mountain Beach Resort, Talipanan, Puerto Galera

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Mountain Beach Resort is located in Talipanan, Puerto Galera

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Mountain Beach Resort will give you the best chance to go island hopping and experience the best beach destination. Here you are allow to relax while lying on the beach beds, sitting on the relax chair along the seashore while watching the sea and go swimming in a clean and clear water.

Mountain Beach Resort

Mountain Beach Resort
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro

Mountain Beach Resort

Property details:

You can play volleyball along the beach and some indoor games in along opened nipa built along the beaches.
You can bring foods in the nipa wherein there are tables and benches ready to use for eating.
You can have your ihaw-ihaw if you want too.
All rooms are all near the beach.
Just 10 steps away from your rooms you can reach the beach and you can swim.
The restaurant is also along the beach ready to serve different kinds of foods and drinks.
There are air conditioned rooms, fan rooms and cottages made of native materials.
All rooms have their own private shower and toilet.
An open restaurant served western and Filipino food in a reasonable price.


More Hotels in Talipanan:

Accurate Map Location to Follow


Mountain Beach Resort
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro


Phone number for Mountain Beach Resort, Puerto Galera, Philippines is: 0922 804 4440

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