Motoring Costs in the Philippines

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The cost of running a car in the Philippines

Petrol prices in the Philippines

Between May 2015 and August 2015 the price for 1 litre of Petrol in the Philippines has varied between a low of 43.4 pesos and a high of 46.7 pesos. This gives an average of about 45 pesos per litre.

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Petrol Prices in Manila

The Philippine Department of Energy provide a website showing Retail Pump Prices in Metro Manila at:

These show the Petrol prices at August 13, 2015 as:

Fuel Rating RON 91 Between 37.15 and 42.95 pesos per litre
Fuel Rating RON 95 Between 38.45 and 44.50
Fuel Rating RON 97 Between 40.35 and 45.25
Diesel Between 23.85 and 30.60

Petrol prices differ between Locations, as these examples on the same day show:

Cebu City 43.10 at Petron
Iloilo City 48.55 at Petron
Bacolod 48.66 at Petron

Car Prices in the Philippines

Some example Car prices at August 2015 are:

GRAND I10 1.0 E 5MT PHP 538,000
GRAND I10 1.0 E 4AT PHP 598,000
GRAND I10 1.2 L 4AT PHP 728,000

2.5 G A/T Php 1,511,000
2.5 S A/T Php 1,645,000
2.5 V A/T Php 1,745,000
3.5 V6 A/T Php 2,128,000


Currency Conversion at August 2015  
PHP 33php – AUD 45php – USD 
PHP 23.85  $                 0.72  $                 0.53
PHP 30.60  $                 0.93  $                 0.68
PHP 37.15  $                 1.13  $                 0.83
PHP 38.45  $                 1.17  $                 0.85
PHP 40.35  $                 1.22  $                 0.90
PHP 42.95  $                 1.30  $                 0.95
PHP 43.40  $                 1.32  $                 0.96
PHP 44.50  $                 1.35  $                 0.99
PHP 45.00  $                 1.36  $                 1.00
PHP 45.25  $                 1.37  $                 1.01
PHP 46.70  $                 1.42  $                 1.04
PHP 538,000  $            16,303  $            11,956
PHP 598,000  $            18,121  $            13,289
PHP 728,000  $            22,061  $            16,178
PHP 1,511,000  $            45,788  $            33,578
PHP 1,645,000  $            49,848  $            36,556
PHP 1,745,000  $            52,879  $            38,778
PHP 2,128,000  $            64,485  $            47,289
1 : 127 : 3,559,693

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