Marriage, Birth Certificate or CENOMAR for Australian Migration

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Originals of Marriage, Birth and Single Certificates for Australia Immigration

When applying for Migration to Australia the requirements for some Visas include the Birth Certificate and Marriage or CENOMAR Certificates.

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The online application process includes an option to upload these documents, which is easy to do by scanning them in.
However, many applicants receive an email to ask for these again, at some stage during the process

If we read the Embassy webpage on this subject, we can see why:

Applying for a marriage / birth certificate or CENOMAR from the National Statistics Office?

Clients should only apply for an NSO document(s), once a visa application has been submitted, and at the request of a case officer.

Clients need to include a file number or Health (HAP ID) number when applying for an NSO document. See, applying for NSO documents. The documents are sent directly to the Australian Embassy in Manila. This ensures that the most recent and complete information is provided from NSO and avoids additional checks on individually submitted documents which may lead to a delay in the processing of the application.

Please note that we only accept NSO documents obtained using this process.

There is a standard process for submitting Philippines Statistics Authority (formerly National Statistics Office or NSO) documents such as birth or marriage certificates.

Please note that we only accept PSA documents obtained using the process outlined below. If the documents are not obtained through this method, there are likely to be delays in processing and the application may result in a refusal for non-compliance.

The parts in red may help to understand what is expected.

Also, please read this:

What is a CENOMAR

A Certificate of No Marriage Record (CENOMAR) is a certification issued by the Philippines NSO stating that a person has not contracted any marriage. Also called a certificate of No Record of Marriage or Certificate of Singleness.

A single person is someone who has never been married, or is annulled void ab initio, (not valid in law to start with).
An Unmarried person is someone who was previously married and was divorced or widowed.

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