Maharajah Hotel, Angeles City, Pampanga

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Maharajah Hotel, Angeles City

3 Texas Street
Villa Sol Subdivision
Angeles City

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Tel: 045 322 3681
Booking Online: OR

Details:Maharajah, Villa Sol Subdivision, OFF Clark Air Base, Balibago, Angles City

The best-known hotel in Angeles City doesn’t look or feel like a hotel. We at Maharajah take pride in not only welcoming you as guest but as a family by providing you with friendly down to earth staff to pamper you and your family. Our guests always take pride in informing us how well rested and refreshed they’ve been after a long trip. We enjoy welcoming our repeat guests who have been coming back to Maharajah whenever they visit Angeles City.

Our newly renovated rooms have been upgraded to mimic 5 star hotel rooms with Samsung flat screen TV’s, rain showers and each room is different so most of our guests have their favorite rooms when making reservation. Pool Side Maharajah boast two separate swimming pools one for adults and another one for families with children. The swimming pools are situated in lush tropical settings where our guests can take leisurely walks in the mornings or just sit around with friends and enjoy the beautifully landscaped gardens.

Strategically located in Don Juico Avenue, a bustling main road in Angeles City, you will find many business establishments such as great restaurants, relaxing spas, health clubs, travel agencies and endless bars that come to life at night.

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