Losing Weight with Coffee

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Can you lose weight with drinking Coffee ?

This is not an advert or endorsement for any stupid weight loss system.

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This is an actual story for ONE person, altthough maybe it wasnt JUST the coffee change

After gaining 10kgs in weight from a trip to Australia, the land of good food and big steaks, it appeared hard to reduce back down from the 50kg to the previous 40kg.

However, a slight change in diet has removed 5kg in about 5 weeks.

SanMig Super Coffe OriginalChanging Coffee from the nromal 3 in 1 to the San Mig Super Coffee, with splenda instead of sugar appears to have made a difference, and only with 3 cups per day.

However, a change from fruit juices (the packet mixes) down to water, may also have helped.

It may be woirth trying if the taste is OK for you.

There are three flavour strengths: Mild, Original and Strong, although we have only seen the Original. And that one is in a different packaging to the ones on the San Mig website:

San Mig Super Coffee Mild San Mig Super Coffee Original San Mig Super Coffee Strong

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