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List of Barangay captains and phone numbers in Cebu City
There are 80 Barangays in Cebu City, and contact numbers for the Captain of each of these Barangays can be found at:–brgy-officials
Correct at time of page publication in Sept 2015
24 : 6,643 : 3,563,671
For two years now I have putting up with illegally kept loud roosters at my next door neighbors house at 061 Espina Village. When I came to the Barangay hall two years ago I was assured that “we will take care of it” Nothing was done. I went to City Health in June of 2019 and City Health told the neighbors 3 times to remove the roosters. In September last year your office ordered him to remove the birds by the end of the month. That was 9 months ago and the birds are still here.
I have tried my best to work with the neighbor Nelson Go who owns the birds. I bought him collars to limit the noise. Although he thanked me , he never has used the collars. The last time I spoke with him about the noise and smell his reply was ” You complain too much. Do you want to fight?”I declined. He then turned to his house and requested his wife bring his gun.
I am writing you now to let you know that I am buying a loud air horn. I will sound the horn at all times of day. I am sure you will hear complaints about the noise, but like the rooster matter I am assured you will take no action.
I am very frustrated that no agency here in Cebu will take action against an illegal noise being kept here next door to me. Nor bring charges against my neighbor Mr. Go who has threatened me .
I wish I could have counted on your good office to resolve this matter but seeing that you will not I must take matters into my own hands.
Best wishes always.
Ron Drioane