How Much Tax is deducted from a Philippine salary

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Tax on Salary and Wages in the Philippines

Using the Tax Rates quoted on I have calculated these approximate tax deductions for a range of salaries.

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Approximate Tax rates on the Taxable part of Monthly salaries of:

10,000 would incur a tax charge of about 1,542 pesos or about 15.4%
20,000 would incur a tax charge of about 3,958 pesos or about 19.8%
30,000 would incur a tax charge of about 6,917 pesos or about 23.1%
40,000 would incur a tax charge of about 9,917 pesos or about 24.8%
50,000 would incur a tax charge of about 13,083 pesos or about 26.2%
60,000 would incur a tax charge of about 16,283 pesos or about 27.1%
70,000 would incur a tax charge of about 19,483 pesos or about 27.8%
80,000 would incur a tax charge of about 22,683 pesos or about 28.4%

These are APPROXIMATE and take no account of individual circumstances.

The Taxable part of a salary can be reduced by Exemptions such as the 25,000 (annual) per additional qualified dependents (Max 4).

2 : 1,244 : 3,564,202

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