Harbour Springs Resort, Puerto Princessa, Palawan

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Harbour Springs Resort and Spa Village – the First Five Star Resort in Puerto Princesa Palawan – is claimed to be the Philippines first hot spring village and 5 star resort community and is situated in Puerto Princessa, on the Island of Palawan. The resort occupies an area of 2.7 hectare.

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This resort is being advertised mainly to people who wish to invest and buy a share in a condominium unit in this community property.  It has been developed by the Carino Development and Management Corporation, and offers 132 condo units and 88 hotel suites. Best Western International will be handling the hotel operations.

Example costs involved are:

PHP 1,500,000

You get a 3.8% shared ownership of a 95sqm, 2 bedroom condominium with the right to use it for yourself on 14 nights each year. This is being offered as a “Lease Option to Own Program” (LOOP) with a 5-year lease contract.

PHP 20,000,000

You get the full 100% ownership of a 95sqm, 2 bedroom condominium with the right to use it for yourself presumably all the time.

Other costs may include:

Association fees..

Other Condominium Sizes

PHP 1,000,000 94sqm, 1 bedroom condominium
PHP 1,500,000 94sqm, 2 bedroom condominium
PHP 1,800,000 195sqm, 3 bedroom condominium

Payments Terms and Discounts

Up to 30% discount available for Cash Payment

25% deposit with 75% Balance payable over 5 yrs with ZERO Interest


The property is located in Sta. Elena, about 14 km North of the Puerto Princessa Airport, at the corner of Puerto Princesa North Road and Honda Bay Wharf Service Road.  Just North of the Irawan-Tagburos Road.

It is 9km North of the Robinsons Shopping Mall and the main Hospital.

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These details are collected from a selection of real estate advertisers and direct contact with the seller.

2 : 680 : 3,559,710

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