Gray Wall Resort, White Beach, Puerto Galera

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Gray Wall Resort is located in White Beach, Puerto Galera

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Graywall Resort, tucked away in the seaside town of White Beach Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, a 650 square meters landscaped, tropical resort with half mile long beach fronting the Batangas Strait . It is a secluded hideaway where tranquility and activity meet.

Gray Wall Resort

Gray Wall Resort
White Beach
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro

Gray Wall Resort

Property details:

You will be welcomed at Graywall Resort, a dream resort in a tropical country, where nothing has been spared to bring you the finest in accommodations, facilities, dining and relaxation.
Graywall Resort, tucked away in the seaside town of White Beach Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro, Philippines, a 650 square meters landscaped, tropical resort with half mile long beach fronting the Batangas Strait .
It is a secluded hideaway where tranquility and activity meet.
A place which sets you free to do and enjoy things out of the ordinary in a convivial setting of sun, sea and sand.
Laze in a hammock under the palm trees, dive or snorkel for a look-see at beautiful marine life, explore the resort by pathways or jet skies or simply enjoy beautiful Graywall tropical setting.


More Hotels in White Beach:

Accurate Map Location to Follow


Gray Wall Resort
White Beach
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro


Phone number for Gray Wall Resort, Puerto Galera, Philippines is: 0910 228 7218

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