Food Consumption in the Philippines

The average Filipino consumes 114.2 kgs of Rice and 39.5 kgs of Banana, 21.9 kgs of Corn and 18.8 kgs of Pork per year…

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Per Capita Food Consumption in the Philippines

The sixth module of the PSA, Agricultural Indicators System; Food Consumption and Nutrition, provides information on per capita production, per capita consumption and per capita calories, proteins and fats supply of selected major agricultural commodities.

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The reference years for the following data are 2010 to 2014.

Annual Per Capita Food Consumption in the Philippines

114.2 kgs of Rice per year
39.5 kgs of Banana per year
21.9 kgs of Corn per year
18.8 kgs of Pork per year
12.8 kgs of Chicken per year
10.6 kgs of Pineapple per year
8.2 kgs of Mango per year
7.4 kgs of Coconut per year
4.3 kgs of Tuna per year
2.6 kgs of Cassava per year
2.5 kgs of Beef per year
2.5 kgs of Sugarcane per year
1.9 kgs of Onion per year
1.6 kgs of Papaya per year
1.5 kgs of Calamansi per year
1.2 kgs of Cabbage per year
0.9 kgs of Peanut per year
0.9 kgs of Potato per year
0.6 kgs of Mongo per year
0.5 kgs of Shrimps And Prawns per year
0.4 kgs of Garlic per year
0.3 kgs of Coffee per year
0.3 kgs of Pomelo per year
0.2 kgs of Oyster per year


Agricultural Indicators System (AIS) from the Philippine Statistics Authority:

2003 Fish Consumption in the Philippines

In 2003 the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations quoted a figure of 28.8 kgs of Fish in the Philippines for direct human consumption per year.

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