Electricity Bills Compared – Philippines v Australia

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The cost of Electricity in the Philippines compared to Australia

In Australia the Electricity bill is based on a Quarterly charge PLUS the amount of Electricity actually used.
In the Philippines the Electricity bill is based on the amount of Electricity actually used, no period charges.

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Kwh = Kilowatt Hours.  ie; In its simplest form this is the amount of electricity consumed in the period.

All cost conversions done in this article are based on the FX rate of 33 Pesos to one A$ (Aug 2015)

These are two actual bills in July 2015 for both countries

Australia Quarterly Bill (Including standing charges)
1871 Kwh used with total bill of A$540.02. This equals $0.2886 per Kwh (PHP 9.525)

Philippines Monthy Bill
306 Kwh used with total bill of PHP 2,657 (A$80.50). This equals 8.6830 per Kwh

Electricity is more expensive in the Philippines

The figures below show that the Unit cost of Electricity is higher in the Philippines

1 Khw is charged at 8.6830 in Pampanga, Philippines
1 Kwh is charged at $0.2537 (Peak Rate) [PHP 8.3721] in Queensland, Australia

However, this does not take into account any standing period charges

Electricity Bills are Higher in Australia

Ave Cost of Electricity Bill (per month)

The figures below show that Electricity costs over twice as much in Australia as it

PHP 2,657 Philippines (A$80.50) for two people
A$ 180.00 Australia (PHP 5,940) for four people

The figures above are based on two average electricity bills by people in each country with similar usage patterns.

Average Electricity Usage per day

10.20 Kwh Average KwH per day for 2 people in a 1 Bedroom 70sqm Condo, no Air Con in Pampanga, Philippines
20.34 Kwh Average KwH per day for 4 people in a 4 Bedroom 210sqm House, no Air Con in Queensland, Australia

Final Summation:

Electricity Cost per person per day (in Pesos)

My House in Australia: 47.90

My Condo in Philippines: 42.85

The above information is based on an Australian living in the Philippines in a more western lifestyle.

Why do Australians tend to use more Electricity than an Average Filipino?

Australians have more electrical appliances than an average Filipino, such as:

Hot Water Heaters
Washing Machine
Clothes Dryer
2 or 3 TV’s
PVR Recorder
DVD Player
Air Conditioning
Swimming Pool Pumps etc.

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