Driving Time between Angeles City and Baguio City

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What is the Driving Time between Angeles City and Baguio City ?

A quick Google search reveals the travel time between Angeles City and Baguio City as 2 h 17 min to cover the 168.9 km going via Tarlac – Pangasinan – La Union Expressway and MacArthur Highway.

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Angeles to Baguio Travel Time Google Car

(Funny Bit): Google says it is only 164.0 km when walking (via MacArthur Hwy) but would take about 35 hours…

Going by bus would take longer than the 2 h 17 min stated as the car travel time, due to the various stops on the way.  I have seen these BUS times mentioned as between 5 and 7 hours for the trip. But I have also seen 4-6 hrs to get to Baguio, from Manila, by bus !!! The same website also says 4-6 hrs to get to Baguio, from Manila, by car.


By bus
From Manila: This is the most common and economical way to get to Baguio Cityfrom Metro Manila. Several bus lines ply the Metro Manila to Baguio route with terminals scattered across the metro. It generally takes about 4-6 hrs to get to Baguio by bus, longer than it would by car due to stops along the way.

By car
From Manila to Baguio: Visitors need to keep in mind that while it takes at average 4-6 hr to get to Baguio by car, it takes much longer during holiday weekends like Holy Week.

But, back to the normal car trip… is Google accurate on that timing, how long would it really take ?

A taxi service recommended leaving Angeles at 9:00am to reach Baguio by 2:00pm. Thereby estimating a FIVE HOUR journey, twice as long as Google says.

When I said I didn’t want to get there BEFORE 2:00pm he changed it to 10:00am leaving time…  Maybe FOUR hours ??

We will see…..

We left at 9:30 and arrived in Baguio at 1:30. Four hours later, with no stops. The traffic wasn’t too bad, but could have been better. It could also have been a lot worse.

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