Dreamwave Hotel and Beach Resort, White Beach, Puerto Galera

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Dreamwave Hotel and Beach Resort is located in White Beach, Puerto Galera

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The hotel is a delightful retreat where you can soak in serene pleasures by the beach, away from the urban jungle. Enjoy a scrumptious seafood dish at our restaurant. Let the sun bathe your skin with cozy warmth as you sit back in the terrace. Or frolic on the beach, swim in the cool waters, and savor beachside living at Dreamwave Hotel in Puerto Galera.

Dreamwave Hotel and Beach Resort

Dreamwave Hotel and Beach Resort
White Beach
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro

Dreamwave Hotel and Beach Resort

Check Booking.com for reviews of this hotel

Property details:

Simple but stylishly furnished, our rooms imbibe that soothing, laid-back vibe of the tropics for optimum relaxation.
Each accommodation is also appointed with modern conveniences, like cable TV and air-conditioning.
At Dreamwave Hotel, good times come like the rush of cool waves.
Have a refreshing drink at the bar.
Rouse the adventurer in you and try some water sports.
Relax in the Jacuzzi.
Keep in touch with the rest of the world at our Internet cafe.


More Hotels in White Beach:

Accurate Map Location to Follow


Dreamwave Hotel and Beach Resort
White Beach
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro


Phone number for Dreamwave Hotel and Beach Resort, Puerto Galera, Philippines is: 0927 400 0333

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