Coco Aroma Restobar & Cottages, White Beach, Puerto Galera

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Coco Aroma Restobar & Cottages is located in White Beach, Puerto Galera

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Nestled in the serene section of white beach in Puerto Galera, Coco Aroma Restobar and Cottages is definitely the backpackers haven. Like a scene from Leonardo DiCaprio’s The Beach, staying in one of Coco Aroma’s original nipa huts is truly a unique island living experience.

Coco Aroma Restobar & Cottages

Coco Aroma Restobar & Cottages
White Beach
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro

Coco Aroma Restobar & Cottages

Property details:

Sometimes “living the life” is merely surrendering to simplicity
If you’re looking for luxury, an infinity pool, or fancy silverware, then Coco Aroma is not for you.
But if you are up for a bit of originality, art, adventure, and escape from the social norm, then Coco Aroma is the perfect destination.
Immerse yourself in the island dream and let loose!
Be confident that you’ll be accommodated with care.
Coco Aroma boasts its warm and friendly staff, the authentic island decor, and liberating music that is constantly played in the background.
There’s no request too unimaginable from midnight bonfires on the beach, soothing massages, special activities like forest and waterfall treks, and drum circles to awaken your musician within.
From the staff of Coco Aroma Restobar and Cottages, we invite and welcome you to our humble yet authentic destination!


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Accurate Map Location to Follow


Coco Aroma Restobar & Cottages
White Beach
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro
Phone number for Coco Aroma Restobar & Cottages, Puerto Galera, Philippines is: 0917 562 0895

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