CFO Update September 2023

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Philippines Immigration has issued the following release, regarding the CFO requirements.

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CFO Update September 2023

As part of the CFO’s commitment to enhance the delivery of frontline services, Filipino fiancés, spouses, and other partners of foreign nationals holding TOURIST VISAS are no longer required to undergo the CFO Guidance and Counseling Program starting 3 September 2023.

Filipino fiancés, spouses, and partners of foreign nationals traveling as tourists can proceed directly to the airport and present to the Bureau of Immigration (BI) their proof of sponsorship or other documents showing that their travel is for a limited period of time.

Please be advised that the following international-bound travelers are still required to undergo the mandatory pre- departure registration of the Commission:

(1) immigrant, long-term or permanent residence visas;
(2) fiancé, spouse, or partner visas;
(3) J1 visa holders bound for the USA; and
(4) Au Pair visa holders bound for Europe.

31 August 2023

Office of the President of the Philippines.

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