Camella Homes price examples at December 2013 in Puerto Princesa, Palawan

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An example of some of the Camella Homes prices as at December 2013 in Puerto Princesa, Palawan

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2 bedrooms, 1 toilet & bath.
Floor area: 46 sq. M. (495 sq. Ft. ).
Min. Lot area: 63 sq. M. (678 sq. Ft. ).
Location: Camella Puerto Princesa, brgy. Bancao-bancao, Puerto Princesa City, Philippines.
Price starts at php 1,482,620. . .

Spacious living room, 2 bedrooms, 1 toilet & bath.
Floor area: 52 sq. M. (560 sq. Ft. ).
Min. Lot area: 80 sq. M. (861 sq. Ft. ).
Location: Camella Puerto Princesa, brgy. Bancao-bancao, Puerto Princesa City, Philippines.
Price starts at php 2,014,570. .

3 bedrooms, 2 toilet & baths, provision for balcony & carport.
Floor area: 65 sq. M. (699 sq. Ft. ).
Min. Lot area: 88 sq. M. (947 sq. Ft. ).
Location: Camella Puerto Princesa, brgy. Bancao-bancao, Puerto Princesa City, Philippines.
Price starts at php 2,191,705. .

3 bedrooms, 3 toilet & baths, maid’s room, provision for balcony & carport.
Floor area: 83 sq. M. (893 sq. Ft. ).
Min. Lot area: 99 sq. M. (1,065 sq. Ft. ).
Location: Camella Puerto Princesa, brgy. Bancao-bancao, Puerto Princesa City, Philippines.
Price starts at php 2,669,875. .

4 bedrooms, 3 toilet & baths, maid’s room, provision for balcony & carport.
Floor area: 97 sq. M. (1,044 sq. Ft. ).
Min. Lot area: 110 sq. M. (1,184 sq. Ft. ).
Location: Camella Puerto Princesa, brgy. Bancao-bancao, Puerto Princesa City, Philippines.
Price starts at php 3,029,710. .

3 bedrooms, 3 toilet & baths, maid’s room, porch, lanai.
Floor area: 110 sq. M. (1,184 sq. Ft. ).
Min. Lot area: 121 sq. M. (1,302 sq. Ft. ).
Location: Camella Puerto Princesa, brgy. Bancao-bancao, Puerto Princesa City, Philippines.
Price starts at php 3,374,760. .

3 bedrooms, 3 toilet & baths, maid’s room, balcony, carport.
Floor area: 143 sq. M. (1,539 sq. Ft. ).
Min. Lot area: 132 sq. M. (1,420 sq. Ft. ).
Location: Camella Puerto Princesa, brgy. Bancao-bancao, Puerto Princesa City, Philippines.
Price starts at php 4,658,361. .

3 bedrooms, 3 toilet & baths, maid’s room, balcony, carport.
Floor area: 179 sq. M. (1,926 sq. Ft. ).
Min. Lot area: 150 sq. M. (1,614 sq. Ft. ).
Location: Camella Puerto Princesa, brgy. Bancao-bancao, Puerto Princesa City, Philippines.
Price starts at php 5,183,340. .

Camella Homes is one of the Philippines larger home builders.

1 : 373 : 3,572,230

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