Average Houses in the Philippines

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What is an Average House in the Philippines?

Some websites quote the cost to rent a house in the Philippines as about 5,000 pesos per month for an average house.

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This leads some foreigners to consider how cheap that is in comparison to their own country.  However, is it a like for like comparison?

This is an actual advertised house in August 2015 for 5,000 pesos per month in Quezon City, a popular part of Metro Manila

Average Philippines House Quezon City 5k

I found a statement from a property sales website that gives an idea of what to expect from HIGH END property

  • a high end subdivision that has lot cuts over 200 sq.m. and house areas of over 100 sq. m. on the average. Prices for these units could start as low as 1.1M pesos.

I have seen many average houses in the Philippines, and found this photo at http://truthsector.net which shows what they refer to as an average house.  (I have seen worse)

Average Philippines House


This one shows a one bedroom town house (Attached/Terraced/duplex), also for 5,000 per month

Average Philippines Town House Quezon City 5k

This one is quoted as a High End Philippines House by a Property Sales company

High End Philippines House

A few ABOVE AVERAGE houses in Quezon City, advertised with monthly rentals in August 2015

Above Average Philippines House Quezon City





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