Buri Resort & Spa, Dalaruan, Puerto Galera

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Buri Resort & Spa is located in Dalaruan, Puerto Galera

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Buri is accredited by the Philippine Department of Tourism, and offers Puerto Galera’s only fully dedicated luxury Spa experiences with internationally trained staff, breathtaking mountain views and inspiring vistas of the Batangas Bay.

Buri Resort & Spa

Buri Resort & Spa
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro

Buri Resort & Spa

Property details:

Nestled in the Batangas Channel inside Puerto Galera Bay, which was recently named one of the most Beautiful Bays in the world by the Paris-based Club des Plus Belles Baies du Monde, Buri Resort & Spa has undergone a dramatic transformation since it first opened in 2001 with five simple cottages and now boasts 12 luxury villas ideal for romantic getaways or family get-togethers.

From December 2006, the resort underwent a total renovation and revamp with all the structures in the resort being re-built using native materials such as bamboo, nipa and local hardwoods ensuring that Buri Resort and Spa always remains in touch with our local environment, culture and senses.

Today the resort boasts twelve modern luxury single and duplex villas all with modern amenities and even some with private plunge pools.


More Hotels in Dalaruan:

Accurate Map Location to Follow


Buri Resort & Spa
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro


Phone number for Buri Resort & Spa, Puerto Galera, Philippines is: 0927 565 9671

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