Boracay Apartments – Ray and Rose, Boracay, Aklan

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Ray and Rose’s Boracay Apartments, Boracay, Aklan

1212 Cagban
Manoc Manoc
Boracay Island
Philippines 5608

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Tel: 036 288 1776
Mob: 0908 356 8872 (Ray – English)
Mob: 0948 634 7153 (Rose – Tagalog)

More Holiday Accommodation at: Boracay


This spacious first floor studio apartment has a floor area of around 55 square meters.
The accommodation has two balconies and great views of the Rural surroundings with the Sibuyan sea visible in the distance.
Cable TV and WiFi Internet are included in the price.

15 minutes to walk to the south end of white beach.

Apartment Types

24 square metre, self contained, ground floor, furnished studio apartment
32 square metre, self contained, 1 bedroomed, furnished apartment
54 square metre, 2 bedroomed, furnished bungalow apartments
55 square metre, self contained, 1st floor, furnished studio apartment with great views

Example at February 2015

Boracay Apartments – First floor studio apartment
This spacious first floor studio apartment has a floor area of around 55 square meters.
THREE to SIX months’ stay = P20,900 per calendar month.
SIX months plus = P19,200 per calendar month.
Electricity, water and cooking gas are NOT included in the above prices and are charged separately.


1 microwave oven
1 electric toaster oven
1 electric kettle
pots, pans, plates cups etc
Double gas burner

Living / Sleeping area

2 chairs, 1 sofa, coffee table
1 closet
1 double bed (2 sets of bed sheets, pillow cases)
1 aircon


Toilet, Hot shower, sink unit, 2 towels, storage space for towels etc.

3 : 356 : 3,564,549

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