Boquete Island, Puerto Galera

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Boquete Island, Sto. Nino, is one of the islands in the Puerto Galera area, and is considered to be one of the Philippines’ top windsurfing destinations.

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Puerto Galera is one of legs on the national windsurfing championship racing circuit. Every year in February, Puerto Galera traditionally hosts the second leg of the Philippine Windsurfing Championships on the waters off Boquete Beach. In 2012 the event became the Puerto Galera water sports festival, including both wind and human–powered water sports.

The best time for windsurfing in the Philippines is during the Amihan season, which lasts from early November until mid-April, when the weather is warm and dry, with steady wind conditions.

Its location is shown on the map here:

[mappress mapid=”42″]

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