Blue Crystal Beach Resort, Palangan, Puerto Galera

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Blue Crystal Beach Resort is located in Palangan, Puerto Galera

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Blue Crystal Beach Resort goes by the motto: “We don’t have to be the Biggest, but we want to
be the Best”. Since the opening of our beach resort in Puerto Galera, Oriental Mindoro, we have had the
pleasure and honor of meeting literally thousands of guests from all corners of the world.

Blue Crystal Beach Resort

Blue Crystal Beach Resort
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro

Blue Crystal Beach Resort

Property details:

We have made it our goal to provide our guests with the luxury and the best possible service they deserve.
There are two reasons for this: We as Blue Crystal Beach Resort associates like what we are doing and we believe that there is no better experience than seeing our guest happy.
While doing this we have kept our prices very affordable.
Beside the beach front accommodation that Blue Crystal Beach Resort offers as a hotel, guests have a wide choice of activities, like scuba diving, snorkeling, beach hopping, sailing, jungle hiking, day trips to interesting places in and around Puerto Galera and more.
Our garden at the beach and around the swimming pool offers a place where many a guest has done nothing more than relax while working extremely hard on a golden bronze tropical suntan.
To get even more out of your leisure time massage, manicure and pedicure services are available at any time at your


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Accurate Map Location to Follow


Blue Crystal Beach Resort
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro


Phone number for Blue Crystal Beach Resort, Puerto Galera, Philippines is: 0915 223 6067

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