Bigstart Travel and Visa Assistance Services, Mandaue City, Cebu

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Bigstart Travel and Visa Assistance Services, Mandaue City

Ground Floor
Insular Square Mall
J. P. Rizal Street
Mandaue City
Metro Cebu 6014

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Tel: 032 421 1109
Mob: 0942 5822471 (Sun)
Mob: 0917 3223168 (Globe)


Travel Agents and Visa Services:
Emigration to USA, Australia and other countries. Philippines Tourist Visa Renewals.

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pila ang processing fee?

Maam,good pm!How much is the passport?How many working days?

Hi Bigstart Travel.Have a nice day.I am Engr. Rod Cabañas from KSA.
May I know what are the services you are offering? Do you serve family visa assistance for KSA, attestation assistance and translation?My wife and 2 children (9 yo.boy and 8 mos.old girl) have the passport now. Documents such as Marriage cert. (NSO), BC of children (NSO) and my school credential (DFA Authenticated) are in place. I believe this will be sent to Saudi Embassy Foreign Affair for attestation with Arabic translation.Now, can you help us on this matter? Please give me a reply and hoping you are finally the one arrange those papers in my behalf.
Engr. Rodulfo Cabañas Jr. KSA

email add: (roaming): 0999 3201688 (text message is possible)

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