Bed Mattress Prices in the Philippines

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An example of the difference in prices, based on quality, of mattresses in the Philippines:

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This single example is based on a standard Double or Queen sized bed (Size depends on nationality), and with prices based on the different qualities in both Foam and Spring based mattresses.

Foam Mattress

60in x 75in from Php 5,350 to 13,180

Spring Mattress

60in x 75in from Php 7,200 to Php 24,220

These prices were valid in September 2013 from a major Philippine supplier.

Bed sizes vary between countries, and the US sizes may not be the same as a UK or Australian bed size. More at:

This next example shows how the prices can vary when the size is compared.

This chart shows the pricing of the cheapest Spring Mattress from the above examples, where the 60in x 75in costs Php 7,200


36″ w x 75″ Php 4,260.00
36″ w x 78″ Php 4,260.00
39″ w x 75″ Php 4,600.00
39″ w x 78″ Php 4,600.00
42″ w x 75″ Php 4,940.00
42″ w x 78″ Php 4,940.00
48″ w x 75″ Php 5,620.00
48″ w x 78″ Php 5,620.00
54″ w x 75″ Php 6,490.00
54″ w x 78″ Php 6,490.00
60″ w x 75″ Php 7,200.00
60″ w x 78″ Php 7,200.00
72″ w x 75″ Php 8,590.00
72″ w x 78″ Php 8,590.00
78″ w x 75″ Php 9,290.00
78″ w x 78″ Php 9,290.00
1 : 1,081 : 3,559,790

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