Aninuan Beach Resort, Aninuan, Puerto Galera

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Aninuan Beach Resort is located in Aninuan, Puerto Galera

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The Aninuan Beach Resort is about 20 minutes away from the Puerto Galera port by jeepney or boat, and is within walking distance to White Beach.

Aninuan Beach Resort

Aninuan Beach Resort
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro

Aninuan Beach Resort

Property details:

Sunset at Aninuan Beach Resort really is a peaceful oasis from our busy lives and definitely a first choice of many who come to visit Puerto Galera.
The resort has its own dive centre and offers a full range of PADI courses.
You can take the dive boat to the popular dives sites around Sabang and Verde Island or just take the relaxing option of diving in the colal outside the resort.

It is the famous friendly service that keeps the guests coming back time and time again.
It is almost as if the staff can read your mind, they are there to help before you know it, always with a smile, to refill the drink or help with a sun umbrella.
It is a place everyone can relax and unwind, families with kids of all ages can find a haven from the hussle and bustle of White Beach or Sabang, but they are also close enough for the young who want to venture out for some night life.


More Hotels in Aninuan:

Accurate Map Location to Follow


Aninuan Beach Resort
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro


Phone number for Aninuan Beach Resort, Puerto Galera, Philippines is: 0920 931 8946

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