Angelos Apartelle, White Beach, Puerto Galera

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Angelos Apartelle is located in White Beach, Puerto Galera

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Located in White Beach, one of the prime beaches in Puerto Galera, Angelo Apartelle offers a great accommodation service to every tourist. Its favourable location is an advantage for people who do not want long walks to get to the beach. With less than a minute walk to the beach front.

Angelos Apartelle

Angelos Apartelle
White Beach
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro

Angelos Apartelle

Property details:

The cottages in Angelo Apartelle are secured by a gate at the entrance. There are five cottages and a residential house in the compound. If you decide to book a room with us, there will be a contact person you can text or call to help you on the way to the beaches and can guide you on your planned adventures on the island.

You can have so much fun doing lots of activities.
You can rent a jetski, ride a banana boat, go island hopping and snorkeling.
At night, the place will never bore you as you can enjoy the food and drinks in the many bars you can choose from, while dancing the night away.

Spend less while enjoying more of the white sand beach, cool and clear waters and the different adventures you can do in Puerto Galera while staying at the most comfortable and affordable accommodation that Angelo Apartelle delivers.


More Hotels in White Beach:

Accurate Map Location to Follow


Angelos Apartelle
White Beach
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro
Phone number for Angelos Apartelle, Puerto Galera, Philippines is: 0918 322 5578

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