All Souls Regatta, Puerto Galera

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The annual All Souls Regatta was organized first in 2004 with two objectives:

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  • to provide the Philippine sailing community with a fun regatta at the start of the competitive sailing season; and,
  • to kick-start the holiday season in Puerto Galera a month earlier than usual.

In both objectives it has been a resounding success.

All Souls day in the Philippines is the 1st of November and traditionally a non-working holiday, so became a good day to hold this event.

The All Souls Regatta is organized by a long-time cruising yacht club of the Philippines, the Puerto Galera Yacht Club.

The following is sourced from the PGYC website:

Everyone is encouraged to enter into the spirit of the sport of sailing and to share their yachts with the many visitors who front up at the club for the Skipper’s Briefing.

All of the racing is organized under the Racing Rules of Sailing using the Puerto Galera Yardstick (PGY) handicap system, which rates performance above theoretical dimensional criteria.

All races are based on the pursuit race format, which means that yachts each have a different starting time based upon their PGY handicap, which is calculated such that all yachts that perform equally well, should cross the finish line together. Bow to bow competition is often evident within the last half mile on the approach to traditional finish line off Haligi Beach.

After the racing everyone knows who won the race for the day so there is no waiting before the party starts. The (usually) free kegs of beer are opened and everyone is encouraged to return to the clubhouse to rib the suitably thick-skinned handicapper for their variable performance on the day.

The All Souls Regatta is the largest annual gathering of sailing yachts in the Philippines and, apart from the IRC Class yachts (who battle seriously for bragging rights), all sailors come here with one objective: to sail with intent.

Yacht Owners

If you own a yacht and want to see how she may compete in the friendliest sailing event on the planet at Halloween then you should come to the All Souls Regatta. The entry fees are minimal and the fun factor is off the charts. If you do not have a crew then do not worry, there are always crew available at the All Souls Regatta, just waiting for the chance to help out . . . and they usually bring along a six-pack to help with the ship’s stores.

Experienced Crew Without Yachts

If you do not have a yacht in the Philippines, and if you do not want to bring one with you, then no problem. The yacht club will make sure you get a crew place on a yacht that matches your experience. Yacht owners will accept you aboard if you help out with drinks and munchies for the day on the water.

Newbie & Wannabe Sailors

Whether you are a newbie or a wannabe there is always a yacht with space for you to come along and try out the healthiest sport on the water at the friendliest sailing event on the planet at Halloween. If you know how to fetch & carry a six-pack of beer or a bottle of wine then you will be welcomed aboard at the All Souls Regatta.

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