Aldanmar Apartments, Dulangan, Puerto Galera

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Aldanmar Apartments is located in Dulangan, Puerto Galera

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Visit wonderful Puerto Galera and stay in our private triplex of apartments for a peaceful vacation located on a clean swimming beach. Just bring your clothes & personal items, we will provide everything you need to make your stay comfortable & enjoyable.

Aldanmar Apartments

Aldanmar Apartments
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro

Aldanmar Apartments

Property details:

Aldanmar is a three apartment complex fronting onto a clean swimming beach.
Ideal for small family, couples or backpackers as it is a quiet place, however, nightlife is 20 minutes away.

The owners live onsite and maintain the apartments.Each apartment has it’s own outside deck and terrace areas.

The apartments come with 1 bedroom with outer deck, kitchen, dining, living room and bathroom.
Guests can enjoy 80 channels satellite television, Stereo and DVDs.

Access to Aldanmar is via good roads! We are 7 km from the town, or by boat from most destinations in the Philippines.Options for cooking services, laundry and transport are provided for your convenience.

Make Aldanmar Apartments your stop on your back packer trail through Puerto Galera!


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Accurate Map Location:

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Aldanmar Apartments
Puerto Galera
Oriental Mindoro


Phone number for Aldanmar Apartments, Puerto Galera, Philippines is: 0927 834 5625

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